

By Sephirotess

DualPanel(V2) by Sephirotess: with bars :-)


- 8 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian & Serbian,
- 6 shapes,
- colors, font face, font size... can be modified,
- easy configuration. Use the config panel to change settings (config folder).

Wallpaper planet explosion. original author unknown. [LINK]

Section Divers:

- Date: time, month & day. Mouse over for full date (local language). Bar works with seconds,

- Dock1: applications dock (8 links) + Windows dock (notepad, calculator, Explorer...) + controls (hibernate, restart, shutdown...),

- Slideshow: it indicates the number of pictures in the folder & the total size. It indicates the path & the name of the file (mouse over the picture). The first orb opens the folder of the pictures. The second has for function to offer a preview, the third permits to stop and to restart the slideshow. The fourth set current picture as wallpaper. The fifths permits to preserve (or not) the aspect ratio (left and right click) and the last one apply (or not) a grey scale (left and right click),

- Weather: information (from Weather.com) for 5 days. Icons by HipHopium :-).

Section HDD:

- Letters (HDD C to Z ): shows the letter of the HDD & indicates the free space. Mouse over for more information,

- Recycle Bin: shows number of files. 

Section Sound:

- Player: shows the name of the artist, the title of the song & title of the album. It indicates the position of the title and the total length. Buttons: play/pause, stop, previous, next, volume up and volume down. Left click on the bar to change song position,

- Volume: left click on the percentage (or bar) increase sound & right click decrease sound.

Section System:

- Battery: shows battery level,

- CPU: CPU usage,

- Processes: number of open processes,

- RAM: shows free RAM. Mouse over for more information,

- SWAP: shows free SWAP. Mouse over for more information.



6 years ago
Comment by: teddybearcholla
Amazed Booming love
6 years ago
Comment by: Sephirotess
Thanks Happy.
6 years ago
Comment by: Alfa30
Booming love clap
6 years ago
Comment by: Alfa30
Booming love clap
6 years ago
Comment by: Alfa30
Booming love clap
6 years ago
Comment by: Sephirotess
Thanks a lot (3 times) Alfa30 LOL.

Gold star
Silver star
Bronze star


Uptime6 years




Pin Artwork