

By Sephirotess

Sword(V1.1) by Sephirotess:

Sword(V1.1): skins with slow animation (to save CPU resources) and 5 little rotators.

Options :

- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified,
- 1 wallpaper,
- easy configuration.

Detail of the suite: skins for resources of the system (CPU, battery, Ram, Swap, HDDS, Recycle Bin, volume, GPU...). The font color of the skins changes automatically when a certain level is reached.

Section "Divers":

- Volume: shows current volume. Left click raise volume, right click down volume. Changes when volume reach 80%,

- Time: shows full date, current time and uptime.

Section "HDD":

- Letters (HDD C to Z ): shows the letter of the HDD, as well as the name. It indicates the free space (percentages). Font color changes to 20% of free space. Left click open the drive,

- Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files and their size. When the number of files reached the limit (fixed at 250), a sound is played and the color of the font changes. Left click open recycle bin. Right click empty it.

Section "System":

- Battery: shows battery level. Changes to 20% level,

- Control: 4 shortcuts (hibernate, restart, shutdown and logoff),

- CPU: CPU used, changes at 60% of use,

- CPUT: shows current temperature of the CPU (works with CoreTemp). Changes when the temperature reach 60°,

- Ram: Ram used (percentage). Changes to 70% of use,

- Swap: Swap used (percentage). Changes to 70% of use,

- GPU: GPU used (percentage) and changes at 60% of use (works with MSIAfterBurner),

- GPUT: shows current temperature of the GPU. Changes when the temperature reach 60°,

- GPUFan: shows GPU fan speed and changes at 70% of use,

- GPUMem: shows the use of the GPU memory. Changes at 70% of use. In order to use this skin, you need to set your maxmimum GPU memory, in the config panel of the suite,

- GPUSpeed: shows GPU speed (MHz). Changes at 60% of use. In order to use this skin, you need to set the maximum speed of your GPU, in the config panel of the suite.

- Process: shows number of open process,

- TopProcess: shows the most active process.

- Windows (shortcuts): calculator, config panel, Explorer, Notepad, Regedit, Ribbons, TaskManager...


Gold star
Silver star
Bronze star


Uptime7 years




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