Winter Wizard

Winter Wizard

By Murex
Winter Wizard by Murex
made for 1280X1024 Only

My first try at a 3D DXtheme Every thing was made in Photoshop, walls were made Brick By Brick..
Every thing but the stone work are objects that can be moved around to suit your preference.
This theme was made for fun, There are a few animation's and things that slide out from the side. Some objects have no programs assigned to them you can assign a program or other function or just leave it as decoration or delete it. Just click on things and see what it does. I don't know who made the scripts but who ever you are thank you very much..

Hope you enjoy..


1 decade ago
Comment by: TAXIFUNK
Amazed Amazed Amazed Treasure these DesktopX things now + support Desktop X, read Brads new article Thoughts on the future of DesktopX at JoeUser com to see why. I hope + think these things are still in demand, and wb, icon packager, the themes, icon developer, skin studio, most of those things will be relevant in their new versions for me, too. This looks lovely, 3d Ill check this out these holidays, thank you Happy Only thing I dont know is what you mean about the scripts, is this a coop or where did u get the scripts?
1 decade ago
Comment by: Murex
Hi and thanks TAXIFUNK

Yes i read Brads article, Not sure what to make of it. Just wait and see i guess.. No this isn´t a coop i have done every thing my self execpt the scripts.. I had saved the scripts from another DXtheme. But to my dismay i forgot to write the name of the person who wrote the script, And i can´t remember which DXtheme i got it from..
1 decade ago
Comment by: TAXIFUNK
Smile Muchas gracias for your art and answers, this way if that question arises or not, it should be answered without misunderstandings I would think. Quite a delight to enjoy I think and hope, the main thing then. Wink
1 decade ago
Comment by: sed
My front room? Cool
1 decade ago
Comment by: jaynejhg
hi i downloaded this theme but can´t manage to get the folders like the computer or bin to move could someone please tell me how you can.. thanks jayne

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CategoryDesktopX Themes
Uptime1 decade




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