Animus II - T.King©

Animus II - T.King©

By Animus
NOTE: This skin is fully animated (updated AND CORRECTED). Like my previous skin, Animus, I made this one for myself. A heartfelt thank you is extended to the AMAZING Tom J. King, without whose art (permission granted, copyright info contained in the readme file) this skin would not have been possible.

The art and primary animation incorporated into this skin actually served, in large part, as my inspiration for my original Animus skin.This latest skin is also loaded with animation and action, and captures (I hope) the essence of one T.King©'s ([LINK]) most amazing themes.

Hope you enjoy it!

P.S. Some buttons in this skin courtesy of maddox4u - much appreciated.


1 decade ago
Comment by: maddox4u
WOW. Incredible ....
Fantastic Skin. I love the Animations.
AnimusI and AnimusII are very outstanding.
Thanks for sharing.

1 decade ago
Comment by: yingjunjiu
Extremely cooooool! Thx for sharing!
1 decade ago
Comment by: maddox4u
Congratulation for the "Daily Skin" :-)

1 decade ago
Comment by: Animus
Thank you very, very much - and thank you also for your original comments. This particular theme/style is a type that I have a weakness for. I love turn of the century stuff. Industrial, mechanical, steam driven, levers, gears, and even rust and rugged, and rough (combined with stately 19th century formailty, or elegance ...I can´t seem to get enough of it - don´t know what it is about it, but I just get lost in it.

When I first saw "Steamworks" by Tom J. King (what this whole skin uses, and is based on), I was in a state of perpetual awe. The guy really is amazing.

BTW (anyone), when looking at either of my skins, if there is ANY thought you might have, like, "Oh I wish he would have done such-and-such to it..." - please share it...anything at all to fuel the imagination - I´m highly appreciative, and responsive to it all.

1 decade ago
Comment by: Animus
Tue. June 14, 2005: Thank you maddox4u for poiinting out a missing .bmp file - sorry about that, anyone who downloaded the faulty version! All fixed now.
1 decade ago
Comment by: maddox4u
A really "must have" for all Ezpop Fans. The bigger Animation on new Mail looks great (I am waiting for new Mail to see the Animation :smile: )
Thanks Animus.

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