

By Sephirotess

SystemR(V1.1) by Sephirotess:

SystemR(V1.1): "R" for rotators :-).

Options :

- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified,
- 15 appearances,
- 4 wallpapers,
- easy configuration.

Detail of the suite: Skins for resources of the system (CPU, battery, Ram, Swap, 3 HDDS, Recycle Bin, volume, player, GPU...). The appearance of the skins (bars, cercles and logos) change automatically when a certain level is reached. Color of the font changes too. Look at the Swap skin for example in the preview. There are 2 versions for every skin (except for time and slideshow). Use the middle mouse click in order to change the appearance of the skins.

Section "HDD":

- HDD: gives some informations about the hard disk. You can manage up to 3 disks. The skin shows the letter of the HDD, as well as the name. It indicates the free space (in percentage). Appearance changes to 20% of free space,

- Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files and their size. It also shows the rate of replenishment (fixed at 250) of the trash. It is displayed via bar. When the number of files reached the limit, a sound is played and the appearance change. Left click open recycle bin. Right click empty it.

Section "Sound":

- Player: you can use different players (see configuration panel of the suite). Central cercle indicates the position of the title and the total length. The skins shows the name of the artist, the title of the song, title of the album and year. The player has different buttons: play/pause, stop, preview, next, volume up and volume down. The progression bar has two functions: to modify the position of the track (left click jump to 10 % forward, right click jump to 10% backward) and to open the player (double left click). 2 versions of the player with a central rotator,

- Volume: shows current volume. Left click raise volume, right click down volume. Changes when volume reach 80%,

- Spectrum: simple spectrum with 10 bars and central rotator,

Section "System":

- Battery: shows battery level (percentage). Appearance changes to 20% level,

- CPU: CPU used (percentage) and changes at 60% of use,

- CPUT: shows current temperature of the CPU (works with CoreTemp). Changes when the temperature reach 60°,

- Ram: Ram used (percentage). Changes to 70% of use,

- Swap: Swap used (percentage). Changes to 70% of use,

- GPU: GPU used (percentage) and changes at 60% of use (works with MSIAfterBurner),

- GPUT: shows current temperature of the GPU. Changes when the temperature reach 60°,

- GPUFan: shows GPU fan speed and changes at 70% of use,

- GPUMem: shows the use of the GPU memory. Changes at 70% of use. In order to use this skin, you need to set your maxmimum GPU memory, in the config panel of the suite,

- GPUSpeed: shows GPU speed (MHz). Changes at 60% of use. In order to use this skin, you need to set the maximum speed of your GPU, in the config panel of the suite.

- TopProcess: shows number of open process and shows the most active process. Changes when the process reach 60% of use. Works well with 2cores CPU.

Section "Divers" (little bonus):

- Slideshow: with some fonctions. When the mouse is placed on the picture, the slideshow indicates the path & the name of the file. The top left button opens the folder of the pictures. The button below permits to stop and to restart the slideshow. The button to the top right has for function to offer a preview. The last one set current picture as wallpaper.

- Time: shows short date representation (ex: 01/07/2015), time and uptime. With central rotator and bar (works with seconds).


Gold star
Silver star
Bronze star


Uptime8 years




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