

By Travelian
Sykes V1

Here it is...

Sykes for Sonique 2. Use this with windows xp only. I put a lot of time into this and I hope you all like it.
Runs a lot smoother than last release and has a great deal many more features and improvements.

Use this with the October 25th release or later. Be sure to install the font included in the .zip.

You will need to run restore.bat file if you have downloaded any prior versions of this skin. I've updated this skin's
preference saving to accomidate for the changes in that release. It will not work properly otherwise.


Sound Mixer Remote...(somewhat buggy)

Supports dual players (2 audio streams at once)
Run multiple songs at once, add effects, crossfade between them.
Equalizer controll, Pitch, Amp, Balance controll for each Channel.
Sorry no way to record multiple audio streams just yet. If someone would
like to make a plugin to do this i'd be much appreciated.
---*due to some mantis bugs this remote will not run unless this skin is loaded.

Multiple Playlist Remote...(completely redone from prior release)

Support for multiple playlists (thanks Ozz)
Space Saving elements such as pickers and multiple layering.
Has just about every playlist function I could think of.
Double Click Resizing

Main Skin

Double Click Minimode
Massive ammounts of pref saving, (last visual, mini, window pos, etc)
Skin Preferences Screen (opacity controll, turn intro off, position window text)
Equalizer with presets and other stuff.
Internal Playlist
Hide window text for better visual viewing.
Shuffle, Repeat, mute, and Playback method controlls.


2 decades ago
Comment by: Scarebear
Pretty sure that´s the longest description I´ve EVER seen Happy Having said that.... This is an awesome skin. Some really cool features included in it. Unless I missed it, there´s no shadow though in XP. That´d be my ONLY down side to this skin Happy

Gold star
Silver star
Bronze star


CategorySonique 2
Uptime2 decades




Pin Artwork