

By Sephirotess

SP(V1) by Sephirotess:  simplified panels

SP(V1): Multi-languages

Options :

- 8 languages: English, Français, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian & Serbian,
- text color, font face, font size... can be modified,
- 12 appearances,
- 1 wallpaper,
- easy configuration.

Use the config panel to change the appearance (12), install the wallpaper, change color... I'm using a new config panel. If something do not work, please tell me.

Translation: my translations are not the bests and I know that. I have few knowledges in others languages than mine (French). I just want to propose an other option than the eternal English. Keep in mind that I can't translate myself all languages. You can help me if you want better translation. You can use English, French, Spanish or Serbian language files as basis and send me via mail (ask it via PM) the good translations for the others. You can too send me translation of a language not listed and I'll add it to the next suites. Keep in mind too that I use the same language files for all my suites. So, if you take the time to translate with your language, this one will be available for all my future suites. Please, if you send me translation, keep the shape and the keywords of my files. On the other case, I'll not able to use it. Thanks a lot.     

Section Divers:

- Bookmarks: simple bookmarks, with 12 links. Click on P.1 (or P.2...) to change links and names,

- Docks: applications dock (8 links),

- Notes: a simple tool for taking some notes (3 notes). Left click on the orbs to change the page,

- Time: shows time, Uptime, full date and weekday (in any language),

- Weather: weather for the current day. Shows temperature (current/max/feels like), conditions, precipitation and humidity. Icons by VClouds ([LINK]).

Section HDD:

- Letters (HDD C to Z ): give some information about the hard disk. It shows the letter of the HDD, as well as the name. It indicates the size of the disk. The skin shows used space (Go), as well as the free space (Go, percentages and bar),

- Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files and their size. It also shows the rate of replenishment of the trash. Limit fixed at 250 files. Use the config panel to change the limit.

Section Sound:

- Player: you can use different players (see configuration panel of the suite). It shows the name of the artist, the title of the song, title of the album (move the mouse over) and the cover album. It indicates the position of the title and the total length. The player has different buttons: play/pause, stop, preview, next, volume up and volume down. Left click on the bar jump to 10 % forward, right click jump to 10% backward, 

- Volume: the panel shows volume level. Left click on the percentage (or volume text/bar) increase sound. Right click decrease sound. The skin shows the current audio device (left click to change it). Mute option cut the sound.

Section System:

- Battery: shows battery level, lifetime and information (ACLine...),

- CPU: CPU used, temperature (With CoreTemp), CPU name (mouse over CPU), speed and system bus speed,

- GPU: shows GPU usage, temperature, GPU speed, memory used (with MSIAfterburner),

- Process: shows number of open processes and top 4 processes,

- RAM: shows total, used (Go) and free RAM (Go, percentages and bar),

- SWAP: shows total, used (Go) and free SWAP (Go, percentages and bar),

- Windows: calculator, config panel, Explorer, Notepad, Ribbons, TaskManager and controls: hibernate, restart, shutdown, log off, hybrid shutdown, advanced restart.


Gold star
Silver star
Bronze star


Uptime7 years




Pin Artwork